The Importance of a Digital Transformation

4You may have heard of the term “digital transformation” before, but you may not always really know what it means. The term “digital transformation” is not just a buzzword worthy of business lingo, but it is an important concept that many companies should embrace in this day and age. The term “digital transformation” relates to the idea of moving a business platform that is old and outdated to a more digitally upgraded platform. Here is how your sales and marketing departments of your business can greatly benefit from a digital transformation.

In the sales and marketing world, digital transformation may often mean moving from print marketing to digital marketing. This means taking your flyers,print ads, cd’s, and cold calls and moving them to digital marketing areas. Though these techniques still work, they are nowhere near as effective as digital transformation framework marketing, and their value is diminishing as time goes on. Because E-commerce technology is gaining popularity, it’s hit a point where it can completely replace print marketing.

It doesn’t mean that people are not buying, it just means that they are buying digitally via an online store rather than a physical store. Showrooming, a term that is used for people who go to a store to view a physical product, and then look online for the best price, is occurring more than ever today. Many businesses today have actually digitally transformed their business model to encourage their customers to go online and purchase their own products in order to get an in with their consumers in this way.

If you are a service business and not a retail business, you are not off the hook, gone are the days where phone books are being used to find a business. In today’s world, most people use the help of online directories, and many of these come with customer reviews, photos of the product or service, and even GPS location finders so the customer never gets lost looking for your store. You should visit for more ideas about the topic.

Customer reviews are quickly becoming the new word-of-mouth advertising, and having one customer review your business can reach your entire market at once.

Maybe you think that because you have a website for your business and a little bit of a social media presence, you are fine. If you are thinking this, it is not true, as having a website and a social media platform is not enough, you need to make sure you are initiating two way communication and customer interaction through your social media platform, and not making your customers jump from place to place, or worse, call you to get information about your product.

Due to the fact that physical retail sales are decreasing, and more and more people are purchasing products online, the old ways just do not work anymore. This is why you need to make sure you stay relevant in the online world, by going through a Digital Strategy transformation today.

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